
Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Truth in Apology

"How you have felt, O men of Athens, at hearing the speeches of my accusers, I cannot tell; but I know that their persuasive words almost made me forget who I was, such was the effect of them; and yet they have hardly spoken a word of truth. "

This is an excerpt from Socrates' Apology, his defense in court prior to his being sentenced to death. The point I wish to make is that each man, including one who is 'mad', has his own 'truth' and as long as a particular truth doesn't engender violence in any form, it is OK. This is of course open to dialectic.

Socrates also speaks of 'persuasive words'. In this age of information where so many persuasive views on a particular topic are available, it can be difficult to discern the truth from the propaganda. A lot of reading is required.


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